Introduction to Campbell Scientific Data Loggers
This one-day course is geared toward installers and field operators of Campbell Scientific data loggers and equipment.
Topics covered include:
- Introduction to what a datalogger is
- Where it fits into an automated data acquisition system
- How it interacts with sensors to record electronic signals, transposes those signals to engineering units, and stores or transfers that information.
- How to connect a PC to a datalogger and use the LoggerNet software
- Tutorial on LoggerNet software including the use of Network Planner, Device Configuration Utility, and Shortcut to set up and program the datalogger to make measurements on a thermocouple and at least one other type of sensor.
- For a truly hands-on experience, each attendee will have the sole use of a laptop computer and a CR6 datalogger during the course.
**PDH Professional Credits Available**
Specto’s popular Training Courses are eligible for PDH (Professional Development Hours) credits and allows attendees to claim 6 PDH credits.
Other perks of attendance include a “Swag Bag” of useful Instantel & Specto Technology goodies. We also provide lunch and snacks.