Automated Noise, Dust & Gas Monitoring

  • We can help to streamline your Noise, Dust and Gas Monitoring with automated systems that remotely monitor your job site from the comfort of your computer or cell phone.

Product Information

Specto Technology can help to streamline your noise, dust and gas monitoring with automated systems that remotely monitor your job site from the comfort of your computer.

We can supply you with the hardware and software required to set up a remote environmental monitoring station for your project, which has the capability of uploading your data to a central server via a cellular modem. Data may then be automatically processed and stored so that you may view it through your web browser.

Features & Benefits

  • Multiple monitors may be connected to each system
  • The system obtains and processes the readings from the monitors and outputs the real-time noise, dust or gas data
  • Based on a Campbell Scientific CR800 datalogger, the system is fully programmable to closely match the requirements of each project
  • The system utilizes a cellular modem for remote operation and data upload
  • Data output compatible with most web based presentation and management software, including
  • 4Mb non-volatile data storage memory, able to keep months of historical data
  • Includes weatherproof enclosure